Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out. Prov 16:3

Get His Approval

We all desire a good and successful life; and we take efforts and make plans that seem appealing to us. But as believers we need to take them to the altar of God for His approval, for He has the final word as Solomon says: “We may make our plans, but God has the last word. You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives (Prov 16:1-2). Without the blessing of the Lord, it is impossible for us to make any progress; hence we need to request that He considers our situation, plead with Him to bless us, for He desires our true wellbeing: “Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out” (Prov 16:3). May we wait upon Him for His approval and blessing, before proceeding any further with our own plans.


Abba, thank You for blessing us all through our lives. Let Your Spirit enable us to place before You, all our plans for Your great approval and assured blessing, in Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.