He reveals things that are deep and secret; he knows what is hidden in darkness, and he himself is surrounded by light. Dan 2:22

Yearn for Revelation

Modern men are doomed to believe in the power of science and knowledge, but the realm of revelation is far more superior and beyond the comprehension of the human mind. When things are above our capacity of reasoning, even scientists abandon to explain the why of people’s questions. When the ministers, magicians and royal advisors got exhausted, Daniel, the prophet of God gets the revelation on the dream of the king and gives the interpretation about what is to come in the future, for he believed in the God who is all powerful and omniscient, as he praises Him: “God is wise and powerful! Praise him forever and ever. He controls the times and the seasons; he makes and unmakes kings; it is he who gives wisdom and understanding. He reveals things that are deep and secret; he knows what is hidden in darkness, and he himself is surrounded by light” (Dan 2:20-22). May we humble ourselves before the Omniscience of the Mighty God, and earnestly desire for His wonderful revelations. 


Abba, thank You for revealing Your secrets to the believing humble men. Let Your Spirit help us comprehend and obey the prophesies revealed for our wellbeing. In Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.