Preserve Your Identity
Uniqueness is an essential characteristics of the nature of God’s creation - be it human beings or other things in nature. It is not enough just to bear a Christian name or be a member of a predominant church, but the Christ-like nature only makes anyone a Christian. If we live and behave contrary to the nature and value of Christ, we can no longer claim ourselves to be Christians. Jesus Himself emphatically expressed His conviction that the essential identity must be preserved to produce the intended effect it should have on the earth: “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again” (Luke 14:34). We must take good care of our identity in Christ, otherwise we will be of no use, because we do not have any influence that we alone can make in society. Again, a warning is been given to us no to loose our identity; or else we would be thrown away as a waste: “It is no good for the soil or for the manure pile; it is thrown away. Listen, then, if you have ears!” (Luke 14:35). May we pray that He may preserve our true nature in Christ to influence and transform the world around us.
Abba, thank You for declaring us to be the salt of the earth. Let Your Spirit enable us to produce the desired effect wherever we are placed, in Jesus’ Most Wonderful Name, Amen.