When I arrived in Troas to preach the Good News about Christ, I found that the Lord had opened the way for the work there. 2 Cor 2:12

He Arranges Everything

The ministry God has entrusted with us totally belongs to Him, hence we only need to depend upon Him for everything. The time, the space, the fellow workers, and opportunities will be set by Him according to His Will. As an apostle of Christ, it was easy for Paul to proclaim the Good News successfully, for God has already kept the door ready and open, that he gratefully acknowledges in his writings: “When I arrived in Troas to preach the Good News about Christ, I found that the Lord had opened the way for the work there” (2 Cor 2:12). May the Lord lead us into the vineyard He has kept for us to labor, and strengthen us to be faithful in His mission.


Abba, thank You for preparing the way for Your work. Let Your Spirit help us find the way and proceed enthusiastically, in Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.