His Job Description
People in the world take pride in describing themselves with the jobs they are good at and the titles they secure. Nobody can better describe the reason for God’s Son’s visit on earth this straight and simple. In the conversation with Zacchaeus at his home, Jesus reveals the purpose and mission of His on earth: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Lk 19:10). God sent His only Son, who alone can perform the most difficult job, that no-one else can take up, with patience and perseverance, that is seeking and saving. May we give heed to His searching voice and come out of the places of hiding, so that we may be saved.
Abba, thank You so much for sending Your Son to seek and save us, the lost. Let Your Spirit enable us to respond to His call to be saved, in Jesus’ Most Saving Name, Amen.