Commit unto Him
As we grow in age we tend to be too independent to the extend that we do not even include God in our plan, who always desires our fellowship and wellbeing. We should know that we are are very much limited in our capacity to think and plan. That is why many times our best of plans do not proceed the way we want or produce the results we intend. The creator of the the entire universe and our own selves can help us with making everything into success however hard it may appear to us. We need to admit our mistake of not consulting Him sufficiently and apologize for the arrogance of being too independent, and then the Good Lord will have mercy on us and lead us by providing the right counsel that would lead us to great victory. Solomon suggests this as an assured way to success: "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established" (Prov 16:3). May we bring our life and works to God, who will definitely supply with the thought that will take us to God’s provision of success.
Abba, thank You for willing to look into our works. Let Your Spirit fill our minds with the divinely established thoughts, in Jesus’ Most Wonderful Name, Amen.