Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. John 1:16

Fullness of Grace

In the world we live, sometimes we come across people who, at one stage of their lives, come out willingly and share their wealth with the needy in the world. There are however many others who have more wealth than these philanthropists, but do not share with others because they think they do not have enough or they are afraid they will lack. Only a person who has anything in its fulness and feels satisfied will be able to share with others. Jesus came into this world poor and empty, but the purpose of His coming was to share grace upon grace, for he is so full of it. Forgiveness from our sin and sharing of the eternal life, innumerable amount of blessing and healing, temporal and spiritual, all proceeds from Him for the well-being of mankind, as John acknowledges: "Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given" (Jn 1:16). In times of every need let us approach Him, hoping in His fullness, so that we may receive more than we can ever imagine.


Abba, thank You for sending Your Son with full of grace. Let Your Spirit lead us to receive from His fullness whenever we need, In Jesus’ Most Wonderful Name, Amen.