Poor in Spirit
We all know about the original sin and the consequence of being chased away from the garden of Eden. But we hardly meditate upon the status of Adam and Eve before the fall, that was being in the state of poor in spirit. This state was so perfect that it permitted them to stay with God. The temptation to know everything by themselves and to be independent from God gave them arrogance and pride, that made them become enemies to God and His Kingdom. Any form of pride—about beauty, colour, race, knowledge, wealth, talent or even spiritual understanding—takes the person away from being the poor in spirit. May we maintain our spirits poor, however gifted we think we are, that we may be eligible to the ownership of the kingdom of heaven, as Jesus cautions: “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 5:3). May God give us the grace of remaining in the state of poor in spirit, that we be worthy of Him and His heavenly fellowship.
Abba, thank You inviting us to wear the attitude that is kept for Your kingdom ownership. Let Your Spirit support us with remaining stable in the state of poor in spirit. In Jesus’ Most exalted Name, Amen.