The Lord will guard you from all evil, preserving your life. Ps 121:7

His Love Preserves

Life is the greatest gift that we received from the hands of God. And that very life can be protected and preserved by the same Lord, who keeps it as His beloved duty, as declared by the Psalmist: "The Lord will guard you from all evil, preserving your life." (Ps 121:7) The world in which we live teaches us that we can keep our lives by taking good food, doing regular exercise and consuming the right medicines and so on. But we should never forget that it is He, who has created us, alone can preserve our life, and hence we need to depend on Him and pray to Him for our safety and security.


Abba, Thank You for preserving our life. Let Your Spirit enable us to depend upon Your unfailing love, In Jesus’ Most Loving Name, Amen.