Catch the Moment
The rotation and movement that spin the earth have the secret for the sustenance of the world, that the Good Lord has given us as His precious gift. Things rotate near, things rotate far, these are the secrets we do not know what they produce for our own advantage. Here, a secret is been revealed to us to catch the moment when God is close to us, for our needs for healing and blessing are higher. But I tell you, His compassion will bring Him when you need the most. Therefore, never doubt His love and protection that are already provided in your favor, and desire more of Him, and believe the word the prophet reveals: “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” (Is 55:6) Let’s be smart in our faith to catch the moment to receive the blessing we need and enjoy life and live more meaningfully each day.
Abba, thank You for always be there for us in the moment we cry for You. Let Your Spirit always make us long for You and cling to You and receive the best blessing, in Jesus’ Most Protective Name, Amen.