Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19:13

He Surprises Us

Man desires the beautiful moment of encounter with God and expects that it should happened in his limited understanding of conventional way. But His ways are always new, for that is His prerogative and right, for He enjoys new way of encounter. Meeting with Moses was different, with other prophets different, be it Peter or Paul, or any others He chose new and unique way. Here in this text the prophet who was fleeing out of fear got an encounter in the least expected way. Not in the powerful wind, not in the earthquake and not in the fire, but in a gentle whisper God met and surprised Prophet Elijah: “When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” (1 Kings 19:13). God spoke to fearing Elijah with compassion, that gently inquired and comforted him. May we never think if He has forgotten us or abandoned us, No ,never. He will certainly come to us and strengthen us and give us the mission in a most surprising way. 


Abba, Thank You for definitely going to meet us and entrust Your mission. Let Your Spirit give us patience and strength to have the beautiful encounter with You, In Jesus’ Most Surprising Name, Amen.