Just as the Lord pardoned you, so also you must pardon others. Col 3:13

Forbearing One Another

The soul of the individual weighs down with the act of sin or offense, for both the offender and the victim, besides hurting his relationship with the Creator. Only the sincerest realization of the frailty of human nature, moves us with compassion that repairs and heals all broken and strained relationships. Believer, by the very nature, cannot refuse the request for pardon, for he himself receives them innumerous occasions from the hands of God. Only a person, who has cherished the value of forgiveness in his life, will be ready to offer it to the one who requests of it, and release him from the clutches of guilt and condemnation. Paul, in his ignorance of the Messiah who sacrificed His own life for the forgiveness of the entire mankind, committed sins against believers, but Christ encountered him and forgave him and healed both his body and soul. That is why he can convincingly instruct the necessity of pardon and forbearance: “bearing with one another and forgiving each other, if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord pardoned you, so also you must pardon others.” (Col 3:13) May we be the promoters of the divine culture of generous forbearance and pardon, and be living witnesses of God’s unending mercy.


Abba, Thank You forgiving us unconditionally so that we imitate this grace in return. Let Your Spirit constantly remind us to heal those around us by offering pardon and reestablish peace, In Jesus’ Most Forgiving Name, Amen.