All Eyes See
The media and entertainment have enslaved human eyes with the addiction of watching news, debates, movies and so on, and suddenly they will all run by the surprise of the flash news that startles them that He is coming, or in fact, He has come, and the news is about the second coming. The angels told the people of Galilee not to stare the sky, as Jesus was ascending, for they were told a message that someday He will come back as truly as it has happened as they witnessed, Him ascend to Heaven: “They said, ‘You Galileans!—why do you just stand here looking up at an empty sky? This very Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly—and mysteriously—as he left.’” (Acts 1:11) All who have missed Him, when He came first time, are going to see Him appear in a moment they least expect; however, this time, all eyes see, the God who they can never see, but now they will all see. Let’s always be ready to welcome our King, who is going to come to judge, govern and rule His people, according to the will of the Father, the Rule of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Abba, Thank You for the confirmation of Your Son’s Second Coming. Let Your Spirit enable us, along with the people of the world, to see Your Son descending, and mercifully embracing us, Your unworthy, In Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.