God spoke: “Light!”         And light appeared.     God saw that light was good         and separated light from dark. Gen 1:5

Beware of Time

Clock ticks, and that’s how time is kind of, time is measured. Watches were worn by men and women by decoration, now, nobody wears it, we are, digitally decorating, not knowing, not even not knowing, knowing or not knowing, never knowing, never would be knowing, was knowing time stopped, running out of time, TIME; God spoke: “Light!”

        And light appeared.

    God saw that light was good

        and separated light from dark.

    God named the light Day,

        he named the dark Night.

    It was evening, it was morning—

    Day One. Gen 1:5

May we learn to cry in front of God, who freezes time, for He is declaring, using His prophet, there is no time, for enough time was given and you haven’t surrendered. Now?


Abba, Thank You for being eternal. Let Your Spirit give us wisdom to know the meaning of watch, time, clock, calendar, second, In Jesus’ Eternal Name, Amen.