Longing for GOD
[ Longing for God ] O God, you are my God, and I long for you. My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land, my soul is thirsty for you. Psalm 63:1
O GOD, You always supplies. You are my God. Yes, God is not someone who is sitting above, who you cannot reach. He is your personal God, you call Him “Abba.” Better you own Him; for He owns you.
I long for You—yes, have sincere desire towards Him, because He has more than what you can imagine or grasp.
My whole being—yes, He said, “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your spirit, you should desire Him. Sincere desire is requested for a good anointing and guidance.
Like a dry. Worn out, sometimes. Everyone has in their lives a moment of dryness and feeling being worn out. Some have less, some have more, despite, and waterless land . You may feel that way but there is always water underneath—the water as He promised. Like a gush of the river, into the dry, warn-out land, and the water He promised to the Samaritan woman, that will quench the thirst of the soul.
My soul is thirsting for you—as a dear that panteth for water, so panteth my soul after thee (Psalm 42). Despite my weaknesses always panteth for Him.
Abba, You are my GOD. Help me long for you more than You ever let me do. Let Your Spirit help me through so that I can be Your servant or slave, in Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.