The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 

Beginning of Wisdom


The fear of Yahweh--fear as everyone think is not a negative feeling. It is something that keeps us away from danger. There are about less than two hundred kinds of fear human beings have, they say. But the one that has been ascribed in this text by Solomon is  fear of another kind,….the fear of God.



I remember a day, when  I meditated about the fear of God. Is it a child being afraid of the father punishing? Or an employee afraid of being fired by the boss? ,……Not that sort of a thing. 


It is something that flows out of your being, out of excessive love and reverence towards God., your Creator.


And I believe I got revealed that day , the fear of God is nothing but fear of offending God. …It is about your sensitivity towards that Person, towards your Creator, towards your Provider, towards your Shelter and Shield, towards that Mighty Hand that blesses and soothes and heals and holds and leads and liberates. And that is the beginning of wisdom. 


Many people don’t understand this. It has become a fashion to say “Where’s God?” “Don’t believe in any such sort of thing.” Psalmist says very clearly: “Fools definitely will say that there is no God.” 


Let us not bother much about these group of people who self-condemn themselves into  a category they themselves wouldn’t want to be in.  But they do. That is the irony and stupidity of the so-called intellects. 


The great minds of the world, the super geniuses, people like Einstein, have always said about the presence and existence of God. 


The knowledge of the Holy One—knowledge is something you can acquire by disciplined -exercise of reading the Bible, believing in the Word that’s been written, and waiting on the Author of the book, the Holy Spirit to inspire you the meaning for that day. To that particular individual. 


It differs from person to person, day to day, and time to time. That knowledge of the Holy One, He alone is holy, in Heaven. Isaiah 6:1ff, He alone is  been praised holy, holy, holy, One, was, is, and going to be forever. Revelation 4:8ff


And the knowledge of this God gives you understanding. Understanding of everything. May we pray the God gives us this gift this day and enable us with fear of the Lord and knowledge of Him, that is understanding.



Abba, unworthy as I am, Your love and mercy melts me, enfolds me, shields me. Help me have some more understanding. Never take this fear of the Lord away from me. Let Your Spirit hold me and lead me through. In Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.