For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, ...

The word of God is living and active

For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 


The word of God


In the beginning, John the Apostle writes in his gospel: “The Word was with God.” It was that Word that proceeded from the mouth of God, …..and creation came into existence, … the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the earth. And that Word is eternal.


The letter says, “It is living and active.”  That is true. 


The Word of God is a sword ,…a Christian believer has to use.  against the enemy. When He was tempted, Jesus used the Word as a sword and it is said, the enemy couldn’t tempt Him anymore,  and he left. Because It is living.Word and sword.


Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate. Heb 13:8 says, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever Jesus Christ is the same.” So the Word is living always, and active. 


Even today, any number of miracles happen,  when you proclaim the Word,  with the bare minimum of faith ,…as small as the mustard seed. 


It’s also added, “and Sharper than any two-edged sword”. You have to handle a two-aged sword very carefully,… It cuts both sides,….


 meaning, the one who uses the Word,.. not only uses towards the other person—towards the congregation, towards another believer—it also affects him. ….It makes him think, check, …it pierces. 


It is easy to tell other people the Word of God. “Be simple, share, be kind, and forgiving.” The other side of the sword, the sharpened-side also tells you, “Why you are not sharing? ….Why you are not forgiving?…. why you are not kind?” … things like that. 


It also adds: “Piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit”



This text, as is my favorite, is also the favorite of Watchman Nee. ..Human beings are composed of three things: body, soul and spirit. The supportive argument comes from this Heb 4:12. Only the Word can divide between soul and spirit. 


The soul is in between of both joints and marrow. The Word can separate anything and everything. …Sometimes it separates you form your nation,…. form your culture, …from your siblings, ….from your family, ..clan, ..race, ..language, and what not. 


It happened to many of the men of God, the prophets, the apostles. They were separated..


And is able to discern,..


Discernment is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not many people are good at discerning. It needs assistance from heaven, …the Spirit’s anointing. Only then will you know the decisions that you make,  are in alignment with God’s thoughts and plans for you.



and intensions of the heart ,..

Actions may be good , but if it is not done with the right intension, even if it is a good act ,recommended by the Word of God, is of no use. 


Out of compulsion, out of getting name and fame if you do charity, is of no use…. That’s why we need to check our thoughts and intentions of the heart.


Abba, Thank You for Your Son, the Living and Active Word, sharper than any two-aged sword. Let Him divide from us things,  that we are not supposed to be associated with. ..Let Your Spirit help us discern, have good intensions of the heart, that pleases always YOU, In Jesus’ Most Powerful Name, Amen.