Hunger and thirst are not only the feelings of the physic. It is also that of the soul. The one who receives Jesus as the Savior is satisfied in both hunger and thirst.
Abba, thank you for inviting us to be filled with your Son. Let Your Spirit make us so that we may be going without hunger and thirst. In Jesus' Most Powerful Name, Amen.
The Fellowship of the Fishers of Men was born out of a sincere desire to serve God and minister in Japan, as there is a real need: a great mass of people in Japan have not experienced the love and mercy of God. The Fellowship also serves hundreds of foreign students and residents in Nagasaki who need English services.
This mission does need financial assistance, but more than that it desires sincerest support of fervent prayer to back up our ministry to conquer the souls of young Japanese citizens, to introduce them the spirit of God that is available to them, which they need to cherish and respond to, and be blessed with.